Collection: Per Se
品牌理念 Brand Philosophy
相信簡約主義,以簡單自然生活方式,令我們可以感受到實在和最好的自己。品牌所有產品都是跟隨這個理念,將產品成份保持簡單,嚴格選用豐富天然成份及高抗氧化物,絕不加入多餘及無營養成份,令皮膚承受不必要負擔,使我們更接近天然。Per Se的產品除了可以改善同保護皮膚,亦可恊調我們身心,創辦人希望透過使用產品,帶給我們美麗的外表,更重要是內在的自信。
At Per Se, we believe in keeping things simple. Because that’s what humans want most – a simplistic, natural way of life, helping us to stay grounded and to feel our best.
Our skincare regime has been developed with this philosophy in mind; replacing unnecessary substances with carefully selected nutritious ingredients, rich in natural goodness and powerful antioxidants allowing us to feel closer to the earth. The result is a highly effective product range which completely revitalizes your skin, assists with anti-aging and harmonies your mind. Applying Per Se products will help you to reveal more than a beautiful, natural complexion – it will show your inner confidence.
With no alcohol, silicone, fragrance, parabens or colours added. Simple.
Per Se - Glow & Protect Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 50+ PA++++
- Brand
- Per Se
- Price
- Sold out
- Sale price
- HK$438.00